Dual Language Development


Spanish Immersion

At Sol y Luna Nature School, we value diversity by celebrating the various cultures and languages that make up our community.   We support children's natural affinity for acquiring language by immersing them in Spanish to facilitate second language acquisition. 

What is a dual language learner?

A dual language learner is any child who is in the process of learning a second language after a first language has been established, or any child who has been learning two languages simultaneously since birth. 

Why should my child learn a second language?

We believe, along with many developmental experts, that knowing two or more languages and being able to use them efficiently is a personal, social, professional, and societal asset. There are also many cognitive benefits to being bilingual, such as higher executive functions, improved performance on tasks that call for divergent thinking, pattern recognition and problem solving, as well as lowered risk of Alzheimers and dementia. 

Will learning a second language impede with my child's first language?

No, new research supports young children's affinity for learning language and their brain elasticity that aids them in learning multiple languages with ease.

How do you teach Spanish?

Children are introduced to Spanish through play, songs, books, dance, and storytelling. Consistent school attendance will help ensure your child acquires Spanish to native like proficiency.